Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Black Beauty Essay Example For Students

Black Beauty Essay Persuasive essayWould you like to get a high paying job? Then you need to go to school. Without an education you cant get a get good job. An education is what you need. An education is a great accomplishment. A higher education can get you a higher paying Job. Without money you cant get things, and Without education you would be working at McDonalds or something, if you had a education you could be something better, now if You want to be a lawyer you need a degree. Thats why an education important. Getting an education is what the smart thing to do is. Dont get me wrong though its hard to get an education. I think the main reason why people drop out is because they probably get bored and cant take it going to school. The way I see it is you place in your head that when you get out of collage your going to get a great high paying job. I guarantee that if you get an education you will get a high paying job. Now dont you want a high paying job?

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